Using SMS for Coupon Campaigns



TextMarks offers comprehensive text messaging solutions for nonprofits as well as small and large businesses. Textmarks’ messaging platform enables businesses to use the power of SMS to generate leads and secure new customers. One common form of marketing, coupon distribution, has several unique advantages when used in an SMS marketing strategy.

Text message coupons can be used to gain customer data in addition to simply drawing people into the store. By requesting a customer to text a specific message to a number to receive the coupon, marketers can get more customer contact information than they would from traditional coupon distribution methods.

Coupon campaigns through text messages can also be deployed more rapidly than other forms of marketing. While any marketer needs a plan for a campaign, some campaigns need to be rolled out immediately to take advantage of a hot trend or a real-time shift in the weather. Text message coupons can hit the ground running, without the inevitable delay of distributing traditional paper coupons.

Coupons of any type can build trust between the organization and the coupon user. Customers are more inclined to relax and feel secure when using coupons to shop, and creating this experience can in turn create long-term customers.

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